Year-End Sale
Get your 5-day Coworking Pass to Lavender Hill.
1. Choose your preferred first day of coworking in the scheduler below.
2. Fill out the intake Form information.
3. Pay your invoice - $130. This is 25% off of our Trial Week price.
Discount available from Monday, November 29 - Monday, December 6.
Coworking days can be scheduled weekdays from Monday, December 13 - Friday, March 31, 2021.
We will be closed for the holidays December 20 – January 4.
1. Choose your preferred first day of coworking in the scheduler below.
2. Fill out the intake Form information.
3. Pay your invoice - $130. This is 25% off of our Trial Week price.
Discount available from Monday, November 29 - Monday, December 6.
Coworking days can be scheduled weekdays from Monday, December 13 - Friday, March 31, 2021.
We will be closed for the holidays December 20 – January 4.